Tuesday, October 07, 2008

All dogs DO go to heaven...

My mom forwarded this to me today in an email. Apparently, this little rivalry was played out in a "Southern Town" (my guess is SC or GA, from the foliage). Makes me want to send Our Lady of Martyrs a fruit basket.

I was just saying to a friend of mine the other day, if you've ever read The Lovely Bones (which, PS, is being made into a movie, apparently. I didn't know that until I googled it for the link. About time. Good book), the best part of the book, and the part at which I cried the hardest, was when her dog joined her in heaven.

I mean, it stands to reason. Dogs don't have the stain of original sin on their little puppy souls, so, they should go straight in. Because I'm not sure they possess the malevolence required for the capacity to sin, so I don't think they can screw it up on Earth, either (you know, if you go in for all this sin/heaven/hell stuff). And if you've ever had a dog, or, you know, met a dog, well, there's no question of whether they have souls. Good, pure, innocent souls.

I suspect these are doctored pictures, but if not, the Beulah Presbyterians are morons. Who compares a dog and a rock? And, who says rocks don't have souls (the Taoists might disagree)? Plus, the Catholics? Way funnier. In a good way.


Anonymous said...

Oh, that was hilarious. Tell your mom to send it to me.
I always believed that animals (and perhaps plants for that matter) probably have religion- or at least they worship in some way or believe in God in some way. Scientists will say no, but how could they really disprove it? I always think of this when I see birds flying in a particular pattern, or plants leaning towards the sun. You never know...

Julie Hoover said...

I loved this!!! I hope it these pictures weren't doctored in anyway and this actually happened.

Barb Matijevich said...

Dude, how great is THIS??? i so love this. And frankly, if there aren't any dogs in heaven, I'm not going there either. (Assuming I'm invited. It would be a big bummer if Sydney went to heaven and I was in Hell wishing I had my dog.)

Tiny Tyrant said...

So now I guess the Presbyterians in the pics (not in general) believe themselves to be omniscient.

No one KNOWS for sure that all creatures don't have souls, or that people do.

Dogs can show remorse, joy, guilt (mine are VERY good at guilt), and a broader range of emotion then some people I know.

If dogs don't go to heaven I better be wherever they go cause I'm NOT leaving my Cliff the Mutt behind.

Tiny Tyrant said...

Oh and my dogs pray every day.

Granted it's to the Gravity Gods when we are eating, but that still counts.


Unknown said...

if there is a god and if there is a heaven, if my dogs are not there when I arrive, i am leaving

Allison said...

Love this! Can't wait to catch up with all of my pets :)

Marie said...

Of COURSE dogs go to heaven!! It's heaven. It couldn't be heavenly without dogs.

Our church embraces all animals (sometimes humans fit into that category too). You can see pictures of our St. Francis Blessing of the Animals at our website, www.trinitynj.com. We actually bring our animals to Mass that day.

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