Tuesday, April 01, 2008

I must be a bad doctor...

All my patients got crazier overnight. Even crazier than they were.

I spent so much time doing therapy and meeting with people and soothing family members today that I barely had time to breathe. My med student and I had planned to leave at 4. We left at 5:30 and I had to blow off my new patient's bleeding toe (it's a TOE! It can WAIT until tomorrow, crazy nurse woman!!) to bolt out the door. Didn't get a single note written. Came home, wrote two, and then the electronic chart crashed.


Watch that woman's toe have fallen off tomorrow.


Valerie said...

I do not think that you are a bad doctor, in fact I think that you are a very good doctor, going through a rougher patch than usual.

I am sending a big hug and the assurances that you will get through this with your kind warm personality intact.

Anonymous said...

Eh, she has 9 other toes.

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