Saturday, April 26, 2008


So, tomorrow morning, at quarter to early, I'm going to pick up my crazy friend Rachel and take her to the airport and put her on a plane up north. And then Miss Maggie J and I are going to move in for a week. It'll be nice, I think. CFR has two big dogs who totally adore Maggie.

So what have I done all day, with all the stuff I needed to accomplish before I can relocate my life for a week? Sleep. I had to go deal with some stuff at CFR's earlier (I told her I had to leave by one, which means I left at two), and literally came home and went, I'm going to just lie down for a minute here...and woke up finally at, like, 8pm.

And now I'm on the phone with CFR and she's freaking out. And I still have laundry to do. And dishes. And I'm not packed. And it's 11pm, and I'm picking her up at 5:30, but she needs me to get there earlier so I can help her pack, which means I have to leave my house at like 4:30. Oy.

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