Blahhhh. And I'm out of Zyrtec.
We're not even going to discuss the pine pollen paw prints on my carpet.
But, something cool did happen today. Actually, today was in many ways awful. Crazy pregnant lady hates me so much she won't even talk to me. New schizophrenic girl just gets worse every damn day. I had to get between her and her mom last night because she was "prophesying" loudly and angrily and was terrifying her already somewhat fragile mother. My ECT patient is still wacky, but at least she's a pleasant and giggle-prone wacky at this point. And my one patient I thought had done so well and with whom I was positive was getting better and who had this peculiar habit of hugging me and whom I thought I had done really well by wigged out and went complete borderline whack-job on me after my attending agreed with me in rounds that we were discharging her and then decided she needed to stay (and of course sent me to go tell her). I've gone from being "the only doctor she ever trusted" to the worst doctor ever in like, 2.8 seconds. That? Hurt.
But. I have this one patient. We've been doing individual therapy while she's in, and she's been doing a great job. Today, she told me that she'd heard the other girl yelling that I lied to her (I didn't) and she told me she was scared that I would do the same to her. That just about broke my heart. But we talked through it and she processed it well and it ended up being a fairly positive thing.
She processed it well. I? Am still pissed at the other patient for even making her think that. I'll get over it.
I've been giving her art therapy assignments, and for today I told her to draw me a picture of the inside of her head. She gave me this one to keep.
She's an incest survivor. She's stronger than she knows. She's way braver than she thinks she is. She's just awesome.
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